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Decorating with Collections

Decorating with Collections – Feather Your Nest!

Interiors-by-Monique-birdcage-silk-pillowAre you a collector? Whether you are a serious collector of antiques or a lighthearted gatherer of unique objects, putting together a great display of your collection makes for interesting décor. Often my clients have items of sentimental value that they have spent years acquiring. Creating a design theme around your favorite objects is another fun way to reflect your personal taste.

I have always liked birdcages and keep  an eye out ones with interesting shapes, sizes and a variety of materials like wood, wicker or ceramic. I recently came across this birdcage pillow and like using novelty fabrics for accessories and accent pieces.

Here are examples of how you might hang a variety of birdcages on a wall to create visual impact. A couple of years ago a design showroom had a clever display of birdhouses made up of wallpaper samples.Interiors by Monique Bird cage and bird houses

Feathering your nest with birdcages is a way to bring a whimsical note to your décor. What do you collect and how do you display it?









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